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#15 - she said/she said 1
12.18.05 @ 3:58 pm

On 12/14/05, M wrote:

So I'm bored and lonely and broke down and signed-up with myspace to see
what all the fuss is about.


Strawburygrl lives! mwahahahaha.

I miss you. Can't wait until Sunday!!!


* * * She Said * * *

From : K
Sent : Thursday, December 15, 2005 7:15 AM
To : M
Subject : Re: i just read your blog

Would it totally offend you if I said I'm not going to read it? Cuz really, I probably won't. I did take a look at your layout though. It looks pretty. Way to go HTML goddess. :-) You totally kicked my ass in *that* dept. hehe.

I didn't sleep all night. I finally got out of bed for good at 4 am. My house is freezing at that hour and eerily quiet. And boring. I wish my computer was in the livingroom. Oh well....I did some random dishes, folded a load of laundry, browsed the grocery ads, let the cat out, made coffee.

I'm pretty sure I won't be home tonight. Jim got home super late last night, so I wasn't online as usual. I had to do dinner and stuff at 7:30. Ick.

Anyway....ok...off to see if I got anything from Mom.


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#32 - AFF 7: some lusty northwesters
#31 - AFF 6: best birthday ever
#30 - AFF 5: casino to hotel room with T
#29 - AFF 4: silver
#28 - AFF 3: the Inn

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