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#19 - she said/i was offline (5)
12.18.05 @ 4:32 pm

After that last hateful email from her, I took a break and didn't check my email for almost 24 hours. She sent me one email and wrote some blogs about me in that time.

* * * From Her Blog * * *

December 16, 2005 � Friday
12:07 PM - Invalid Subject Line...You Cannot Leave This Line Blank
Current mood: indifferent

So it's come to my attention that I am *cruel*. Is this a shocking revelation? No. And anyone that knows me well, knows that I speak very plainly and tend not to dance around with fancy words and a bunch of fluff. When asked for my opinion, please be aware that you will get it. It might not be exactly what you were hoping to hear, so be sure that you really want to know my thoughts before asking me. I'll give it to you straight up. I don't believe in bullshitting around.

That said, I am also a highly sensitive individual and I care very much for my friends and family. I don't set out to hurt feelings intentionally, but apparently my honesty is so brutal that feelings inevitably get hurt.

In my opinion, I'd rather have friends that are up front and honest with me. I want to know if they've seen my significant other fucking around on me. I don't want hints. I want the truth and I want it now. I want to know if a mutual friend is talking shit behind my back. I want to know if these jeans make my ass look fat. I don't want to hear shit like, "Well, I'm not sure, but I *think* I may have seen so-n-so at such-n-such with you-know-who." Nah man, give it to me straight up. I don't want to hear, "Oh, cute pants," when you really mean, "Good god girl, your ass looks like two pigs fighting in a gunny sack."

I'm also loyal to a fault. Which means I'll let my heart break and miss out on the possible love of my life in order to remain your friend. It means the secrets we share will go with me to my grave. I've got your back, just as I hope you've got mine.

Call me cruel, call me brutal, call me what you will, but I'm honest as they come folks and I'll call your bullshit if I see you trying to play that card on me. If you don't like that, then you should be looking elsewhere for a friend.

* * * Her Last Email * * *

From : K
Sent : Friday, December 16, 2005 9:22 PM
To : M
Subject : so is this it then?


I just got home from the last of the holiday shopping bonanza and I still have yet to hear from you.

So is this it? Are we calling it quits?

I have no idea when I'll be on here again. This weekend is really busy and Jim came home last night with plans for Sunday. But I will check back.


* * * Her Last Public Blog About Me * * *

December 17, 2005 � Saturday
10:32 PM - Dejavu
Current mood: content

For those of you following the "M" & "K" saga, I thought I'd give y'all a bit of an update of sorts.

Earlier this year, (Feb) when we parted company, it ended much the same. I felt backed into a corner, I came out swinging with my words, and she refused to "dignify me with a response." The only difference this time is that I *did* send her an email last night asking if this was it. I made the final attempt. She didn't respond. The ultimate breakup lies on her shoulders.

I'm keeping this particular post public so that she can read it and know without a doubt that I am done playing the games. From here on out though, I will make these posts private or friends only because I don't feel she deserves to know anything about me. A clean break is the best break.


Thanks for the good times and for everything you so selflessly did for me and my boys. No matter what you think, I'm not the "fucking cunt ass bitch" you have created in your mind. Goodbye, "M".....I wish you and "E" nothing but peace, love, and joy. Hopefully someday you'll find it.

previous - next

#32 - AFF 7: some lusty northwesters
#31 - AFF 6: best birthday ever
#30 - AFF 5: casino to hotel room with T
#29 - AFF 4: silver
#28 - AFF 3: the Inn

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